Monday, February 23, 2009

I wish!!!!

The toughest thing for me to do is to pass time at work when there is absolutely no work(not even documentation) to be done. Today has been one such day and a certain cold virus seems to have taken a liking to me, making the wait for the day to end even more hellish.Thanks to the recession I cant even catch a few zzzzs at my desk and have to pretend to be busy.So, I've decided to make a list of the things I would like to see happening in my lifetime.Here goes..
1. First things first. A CURE for common cold.
2. On the bus I always seem to end up next to people with whom I cant keep a conversation going.Feeling tongue-tied isn't so great. So, I would like an invisibility cloak!! A La Harry P.
3. I am a vegetarian and will remain one all my life. It's comforting to know my food wasn't clucking, swimming,wooing a mate or lazing around before I ate it.I am tired of people telling me what I am missing out on by being a vegetarian.So, each time someone says that to me from now on I want them to develop Alektorophobia (fear of chickens).A little too harsh I know, but heyy it's my list.
4. Plain old boring black uncomfortable office chairs should be replaced with Lazyboys.
5. Diet, Lite, low fat, sugar free, sugarless,substitute,soya, regular: I've tried every kind of chocolate there is and the sad truth is that chocolate makes you fat. I want chocolate that helps you lose weight!!! Ah Bliss!!!
6. I have always loved chase sequences in movies. I want to get get into a taxi one day and say "Taxi, Follow that taxi!!!" with good reason of course.
7. I want to drive a volvo truck!!!
8. I want to go backpacking alone and send postcards to all my friends :).
9. It's embarrassing when your stomach growls. It's worse when the packet of chips or biscuits you are trying to open to feed your tummy protests loudly. I want food packaged in something silent and well behaved. I am ready to pay extra.
10. People should work only 4 days a week. Wednesday should be compulsorily off. Also going on vacations must be mandatory.
I have to abandon this list for now as I am not as jobless as I thought I was. I had better stop day-dreaming and get back to the grind.

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